Die Qualitouch-Methode wurde im Rahmen der folgenden wissenschaftlichen Publikationen validiert.
- Clinical evaluation of the WOMAC 3.0 0A Index in numeric rating scale format using a computerized touch screen version. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, Juni 2002
Theiler R., Spielberger J., Bischoff HA., Bellamy N., Huber J., Kroesen S. - Responsiveness of the electronic touch screen WOMAC 3.1 OA Index in a short term clinical trial with rofecoxib. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Nov. 2004
Theiler R., Bischoff-Ferrari H.A., Good M., Bellamy N. - Validation and patient acceptance of a computer touch screen version of the WOMAC 3.1 Osteoarthritis Index. Ann Rheum Dis Juli. 2004
Bischoff-Ferrari H.A.,VonDechend M., Bellamy - Validation of the NASS lumbar spine questionnaire in a computerized touch screen version. J Bone and joint Surgery Schären S. et al.
- Outcomes after spinal stenosis surgery by type of surgery in adults aged 60 years and older
- Applying patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in physiotherapy: an evaluation based on the QUALITOUCH Activity Index (Mias Zaugg, Heiner Baur and Kai‐Uwe Schmitt)
- Monitoring the Time Course of Disability through a Self-Assess- ment Instrument “Activity Index” (IA) in RA Patients (L. Ren, X. Zhang, ZG. Li, H. Tang and R. Theiler)
- Disease activity dynamics in rheumatoid arthritis: patients’ self-assessment of disease activity via WebApp (Ulrich A. Walker, Ruediger B. Mueller, Veronika K. Jaeger et al.)
- Abstract: Capture the Fracture by SMS (Robert Theiler)
- Validity of a simple Internet-based outcome-prediction tool in patients with total hip replacement (Teil-Validierungsstudie des Outcome Calculator OCC)
- Traitement médicamenteux de la douleur en Suisse, ou quand l’émotion l’emporte sur la Raison (Robert Theiler)
- Rationale Schmerztherapie – oder doch nicht? [PDF, 523 KB]
Curriculum im Schweiz Med Forum 2013; 12(34): 645-651 - Activity Index, ein internetbasierender Patientenfragebogen zur Verlaufsdokumentation von Rückenschmerzen. Vergleich des Activity Index und des SF-12 in einer Pilotstudie (Robert Theiler) [PDF, 458 KB]
- Development of and usability findings for a web-based Osteoarthritis guide [PDF, 960 KB] (Referenzierte Arbeiten von Robert Theiler)
- Der Klick vor dem Schnitt, Managed Care Oktober 2010, Theiler R., Kuster J. R.
[PDF, 525 KB] (Nomination für den Förderpreis 2010 des Forum Managed Care) -
Effect of High-Dosage Cholecalciferol and Extended Physiotherapy on Complications After Hip Fracture [PDF, 310 KB]Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, MD, DrPH; Bess Dawson-Hughes, MD; Andreas Platz, MD; Endel J. Orav, PhD; Hannes B. Stähelin, MD; Walter C. Willet, MD, DrPH; Uenal Can, MD; Andreas Egli, MD; Nicolas J. Mueller, MD; Silvan Looser, PT; Beat Bretscher, PT; Elisabeth Minder, MD; Athanasios Vergopoulos, MD; Robert Theiler MD; Mai 2010
- Besser leben [PDF, 2.00 MB]
Referat am 15. Vaduzer Diagnostik-Symposiom „Besser leben“, 12. März 2009
Besser leben – Realistische Patientenerwartungen vor orthopädischen Eingriffen – Der QUALITOUCH-OUTCOMECALCULATOR©
(R. Theiler, H. A. Bischoff-Ferrari) - Evaluation of stardardized patient monitoring system [PDF, 236 KB]
Evaluation of a standardized internet-based and telephone-based patient monitoring system for pain therapy with transdermal fentanyl
(R. Theiler, Nov/Dez 2007; Clin / Pain Volume 23, Number9) - Schmerz: Standardisierte Telefon Interviews [PDF, 2.00 MB]
Standardisierte Telefon-Interviews zur Schmerzverlaufskontrolle (Pilotuntersuchung zur Bestimmung der Durchführbarkeit) Standardized telephone interviews to monitor pain (Pilot study to determine feasibility) R. Theiler und C. Widler (22. September 2007) - Dank Vitamin-D-Tabletten Knochenbrüche vermeiden [PDF, 46.0 KB]
(TA, Jan 2006, Brunner R.) - Postoperative physiotherapy in acute care – when, what and how much? This article documents the role of early musculoskeletal rehabilitationin acute care after orthopaedic surgery involving the hip, knee orspine. It discusses the open questions of the type, time and intensityof physiotherapeutic intervention. The role of standardized qualitymanagement to define clinical pathways is discussed.R. Theiler, C. Schmid, R. Risler, L. Moser Klinik für Rheumatologie und Rehabilitaton, Stadtspital Triemli, CH-8063 Zürich, Schweiz
- Responsiveness of the electronic touch screen WOMAC 3.1 OA Index in a short term clinical trial with rofecoxib. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Nov. 2004 Theiler R., Bischoff-Ferrari H.A., Good M., Bellamy N.
- Validation and patient acceptance of a computer touch screen version of the WOMAC 3.1 Osteoarthritis Index. Ann Rheum Dis Juli. 2004 Bischoff-Ferrari H.A., VonDechend M., Bellamy N., Theiler R.
- Schnittstellen Management in der muskuloskelettalen Rehabilitation. [PDF, 192 KB]
Managed Care, 2004 Theiler R., Kuster J.R. - Effects of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on falls: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
Feb. 2003
Bischoff HA., Stahelin HB., Dick W., Akos R., Knecht M., Salis C., Nebiker M., Theiler R., Pfeifer M., Begerow B., Lew RA.,Conzelmann M. - The self-administered comorbidity questionnaire: a new method to asses comorbidity for clinical and health services research, Arthritis & Rheumatism. Apr. 2003 Sangha O., Stucki G., Liang M.H., Fossel A., Katz J.N.
- Identifying a cut-off point for normal mobility: a comparison of the timed „up and go“ test in community-dwelling and institutionalised elderly women. Age ande Ageing, May 2003 Bischoff HA., Stahelin HB.,Monsch AU., Iversen MD., Weyh A., Von Dechend M., Akos R., Conzelmann M., Dick W., Theiler R.
- Discriminatory ability of quantitative ultrasound parameters and bone mineral density in a population-based sample of postmenopausal women with vertebral fractures: results of the Basel Ostheoporosis Study. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Feb. 2002 Hartl F., Tyndall A., Kraenzlin M., Bachmeier C., Guckel C., Senn U., Hans D., Theiler R.
- Clinical evaluation of the WOMAC 3.0 0A Index in numeric rating scale format using a computerized touch screen version. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, Juni 2002 Theiler R., Spielberger J., Bischoff HA., Bellamy N., Huber J., Kroesen S.
- Rofecoxib improves quality of life in patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis. Swiss Medical Weekly, Nov. 2002 Theiler R., Bischoff HA., Good M., Uebelhart D.
- Self-reported exercise before age 40: influence on quantitative skeletal ultrasound and fall risk in the elderly. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Juni 2001 Bischoff HA., Conzelmann M., Lindemann D., Singer-Lindpaintner L., Stucki G., Vonthein R., Dick W., Theiler R., Stahelin HB.
- Physiotherapy in osteoarthritis – a review of literature on conservative therapy of knee and hip ostoearthritis. Ther Umsch. Aug. 2001 Hoffmann S., Theiler R.
- Relationship between muscle strength and vitamin D metabolites: are there therapeutic possibilities in the elderly? Z. Reumathol., Feb. 2000 Bischoff HA., Stahelin HB., Tyndall A., Theiler R.
- Influence of physical mobility and season on 25-hydroxyvitamin D-parathyroid hormone interaction and bone remodelling in the elderly. Eur J Endocrinol, Nov. 2000 Theiler R., Stahelin HB., Kranzlin M., Somorjai G., Singer-Lindpaintner L., Conzelmann M., Geusens P., Bischoff HA.
- Calcidiol, calcitriol and parathyroid hormone serum concentrations in institutionalized and ambulatory elderly in Switzerland. Int J Vitam Nutr Res , März 1999 Theiler R., Stahelin HB., Tyndall A., Binder K., Somorjai G., Bischoff HA.
- Immobility as a major cause of bone remodeling in esidents of a long-stay geriatric ward. Springer-Verlag New York, Juni 1999 Bischoff HA., Stehelin HB., Tyndall A., Theiler R.
- Superior responsiveness of the pain and function of the western Ontario and MCMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) as compared to the Lequesne-Algofunctional Index in patients with osteoarthritis of the lower extremities. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Nov. 1999 Theiler R., Sangha O., Schaeren S., Michel BA., Tyndall A., Dick W., Stucki G.
- Pub Med (Register medizinischer Publikationen)